Saturday, March 2, 2013

28 Weeks (Third Trimester) and Bumpdate

How many weeks:
28 weeks
Welcome to the Seventh Month and 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy!
12 weeks to go (in terms of a 40 week pregnancy)

How big is Ellie:
The size of an eggplant

Maternity Clothes:
Always.  I hope to find a few sundresses to wear since it's about Spring here in Alabama.

Weight Gain Alert! 
156 lbs
Gained this week:  1 lb
Total weight gain:  33 lbs
It's been very hard for me to eat this week.  I actually started losing weight and was able to make it back to last week's weight and add one extra pound.

Elliana is still quite the little mover.  Sometimes it feels like there's a fish out of water flopping around in my tummy.

Food Cravings:
Not much of anything this week since I've felt so bad.

Food Aversions:
Fried and spicy food-it makes my acid reflux unbearable

My Current Eating Pattern:
For the past few days I've been reminding myself to eat.  The cortisone shot along with all of my other symptoms has decreased my appetite tremendously.

fatigue, strep throat symptoms, sinus issues, swollen hands and feet, hemorrhoids (maybe TMI but they happen), increased thirst, increased sense of smell

My back has been allowing me rest, but my sickness is NOT.  I'm waking up at least twice a night to drink water or hot tea and maintain nose bleeds.  When I get sick I go all out!

What do I miss:
Being well.  At least my back has given me a break to battle all that I have going on now.

Best moment of the week:
Spending some precious quality time with Brandon and making it to the 3rd Trimester of pregnancy.

Worst moment of the week:
Throwing up stomach acid (in the middle of the night) at our hotel in Biloxi from eating fried/Cajun food.

What am I looking forward to:
Getting better, hopefully passing the 3-hour GTT, and seeing our baby girl at the 3D ultrasound on Friday.

We've made it!  We are in the home stretch and will be meeting our daughter in the next 12 weeks.  God is so good and we are so thankful for all that he had done for us.

"Elliana is settling into the proper position for birth, with her head facing downward.  She weighs about 2.5 lbs now!  She's now blinking.  Also, her sleep now includes the REM phase and she could be dreaming about meeting Mommy and Daddy."
from What to Expect When You're Expecting

These pictures don't even begin to show how bad I feel today!

 The crazy computer will not let me rotate this picture and I'm too sick to care. =(

This is my "I'm sick" face.


  1. Esh! I am so sorry you've been sick!! Hope you feel better soon and CONGRATS on the third trimester!!!!

  2. God love you, sweetheart. We're just around the corner if we can do anything for ya! <3


Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments and support on our journey.

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14