Saturday, May 4, 2013

37 Weeks and Bumpdate

How many weeks:
37 Weeks

How big is Ellie:
The size of a winter melon.

Maternity Clothes:
When I'm around the house I'm in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.  It's almost too hot to wear jeans now, and I'm thankful to have a few pair of maternity shorts that are nice, as well as some fun dresses.  At least I don't have long now and I hope to be back in my usual summer wardrobe in a matter of weeks after Elliana is here.

Weight Gain Alert!
162 lbs
Gained this week:  -1 lbs
Total weight gain:  39 lbs

Baby girl still has some BIG movements to be running out of room.  Often I see my tummy moving on the surface but don't even feel it.  The jumping up and down on my cervix and sciatic nerve is causing some INTENSE pain, but it does let me know that she's a healthy little girl.

Food Cravings:
Ice Water, Sugary and Fruity stuff, fast food, granola, Full Moon BBQ

Food Aversions:
anything heavy, pastas are less appealing, carbonated drinks were so yummy before but make the baby so hyper that it's not worth it anymore

My Current Eating Pattern:
Elliana has dropped and I have more tummy room, but my appetite is nowhere to be seen.  I'm always thirsty and focus on getting my water each day.  Some days I just don't want to eat.  Brandon and I don't worry about it too much at this point because the baby gets everything that she needs.  I've packed on 40 lbs in this pregnancy, so I'm by no means underweight!  I always have some healthy snacks around, but eating meals has fallen to the wayside because of the acid reflux from certain foods and how icky I feel.

a little bit more energy, sciatic pain, frequent urination, some fatigue after moving about, carpal tunnel syndrome, acid reflux, indigestion after meals, pregnancy brain, clumsiness, loss of balance, emotional, weepiness, potty mouth, tender and growing belly, occasional breast tenderness, sense of confusion at times, vision changes, swollen feet and hands, awesome hair!, long nails!, "pregnancy glow",

When I do sleep it is GREAT!  Frequent trips to the potty at night aren't that bad, but I tend to add fuel to the fire by also drinking during the night.  Sometimes my movement wakes Elliana and then she either lays on my sciatic nerve or starts kicking my cervix.  I'm not sure which is worse!  It's often easier for her to do both of these things while I'm laying down so I have to get up and move around to rock her back to sleep!

What do I miss:
Being able to bend over easily!  Just a month ago it was easier to do small household tasks.  I try to walk without a waddle but it's near impossible, and if I get in the floor I'm stuck.

Best moment of the week:
Finding out that I'm progressing; that my body has begun the process of preparing for Elliana's arrival.

Worst moment of the week:
Fearing that I was leaking fluid!  I was so worried on the way to the doctor that something was wrong, but was relieved to have my first cervical check completed.

What am I looking forward to:
Getting some rest after a busy week, buying the last items from our baby registry, and getting checked again on Wednesday.

I survived my first cervical check!  I couldn't be more proud of myself for enduring the pelvic exam.  It's been a LONG time since anyone has been "down there" in a medical capacity.  Dr. Adcock was so proud of me after me telling him how I could barely stand a vaginal ultrasound.

"Elliana is now considered a full-term baby!  She's still growing and gaining weight each week until her delivery.  She's very crowded in my uterus now, so she's not kicking as much but stretching, rolling, and wiggling around.  She's inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking her thumb, blinking, and turning from side to side all in preparation for life outside of the womb."
from What to Expect When You're Expecting


1 comment:

  1. So the household tasks get more difficult? Aaaah. I'm 4 weeks behind you and struggling with cleaning the house. It's so great the Ellie is in position and things are orogressing/preparing for her arrival. Well done on the pelic exam :-)


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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14