I worked almost all weekend. Brandon and I went out to dinner and a movie after I got off work on Friday evening. On Saturday, we also went out to dinner when I left work. I slept in on Sunday, and went to work. It was super busy with football season starting this week.
Yesterday, I was off! Brandon started back to work at Ruffner. It was weird having him gone from the house. It was kinda funny- his alarm clock mysteriously changed times and Brandon was up for work at 3:15 AM yesterday. While he was gone, I ate lunch with a friend, went grocery shopping, baked a cake, and made dinner. Since we rarely eat dinner together anymore, we sat at the table. It was nice to actually talk while we ate (instead of watching tv).
Tomorrow is Brandon's birthday. He will be 34 years old. While sitting on the porch last night, I told Brandon that I'd be happy to wait longer for a baby if we got a puppy. (I've asked and asked for one but he doesn't want another dog.) I got a strange response--he said that he was about to be 34 and didn't want to wait any longer. That made me smile. Sometimes, I feel like I'm pressuring him into starting a family sooner rather than later. I was glad to know that he's truly ready. I honestly think he's always been ready.
I hope that his birthday is great tomorrow!!