Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Brandon's Birthday

Today is Brandon's birthday! He's 34. When I got home from work last night, I let him open his gift from my Mom.

It's not a typical Alabama-looking shirt, but he loves it! He didn't think he'd get it, so it was a GREAT surprise!

I am partial, but I think my husband is one good looking man! =)

So, this morning, I had set out his card. I'm pretty cheesy with cards for birthdays, anniversaries and romantic holidays. I refuse to buy a card, so I typically make one. They may look childish, but it brings back memories of when I was younger, making cards for my parents. Brandon always appreciates them because he knows I spent longer than a minute picking out a card in Wal-Mart.

I'll give him his presents once he gets home from work. We're going to eat dinner with our family this evening. Last night at work, it just hit me that I should invite our family. His parents, sister and boyfriend, my dad and girlfriend, and our close friend-River are all meeting us.

I'll post more of the birthday festivities tomorrow! =)

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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14