Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Updates from Today's Visit

Beta hCG
26dp6dt - 32dpo
6 weeks 3 days

I was super excited to hear my beta level today!  For the rest of my time at ART, they will track the baby's progress from my measurements and the heartbeat.  There will be no more obsessing over betas for me.

In other news, I am officially off  pelvic rest, and have been given the 'ok' for light exercise.  Also, our nurse thinks we will be released somewhere in the next two to three weeks (8-10 weeks pregnant).  We have chosen to use the doctors at OB-GYN South, which are located at Brookwood as well. We met Dr. McKenzie when he spoke with Joy at church earlier this year.  Joy introduced him to us, and explained our story- this was before we pursued IVF.  He has delivered many babies that we know!  Also, I have a special friend who is also pregnant right now and is using him.  Maybe we can double up and go to our appointments together!!

I am still in shock that we saw the heartbeat.  God has blessed us beyond measure.  It will be hard once we are released from ART, not getting an ultrasound each week...but we will be excited to have a normal, healthy, and boring pregnancy.


Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments and support on our journey.

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14