Saturday, December 1, 2012

15 Weeks and Bumpdate

How many weeks:
15 Weeks
only 175 days left!

How big is baby:
The size of a navel orange

Maternity Clothes:
Yes and no.  I was so lucky to have a friend share her maternity clothes with me, but I still need more.  I have about a week's worth of wearing left in my black pants for work.  I've enjoyed wearing dresses, but being on my feet so much with the holidays is forcing me to wear sneakers more often.  I've also been lucky that longer shirts are in style and they help cover my belly.

Weight Gain Alert!
One more pound gained this week = 129 lbs
for a grand total of 6 lbs gained 
"Your weight gain should pick up to an average rate of about 1-1.5 pounds per week during months four through six (second trimester)."  
from What to Expect When You're Expecting

I think I felt something this past week but it was quick.  I'm excited to start feeling The Sneak more in the coming weeks!

Food Cravings:
Full Moon BBQ- I eat there at least once a week.  
Chocolate milk in the mornings
Panera Creamy Tomato Soup
Homemade Chicken Salad

Food Aversions:
Fast Food is disgusting!
I made Pot Roast on Thursday and could only eat about two bites before putting it away for junk food. 

I now think that our little one is a boy.  I just have a feeling.  BUT we will be thrilled either way.  We prayed so hard for this precious baby.

Frequent urination, round ligament pain, acid reflux, mood swings, weepiness, indigestion, fatigue, vivid dreams, breast changes (bigger!), swolen belly, back pain, heightened sense of smell

What do I miss:
My Grandad- At so many points throughout this pregnancy, I've wanted to pick up the phone and call him.  He's been gone for quite some time now, but I still feel like he was here just yesterday.  He would be so excited about the baby and becoming a great-grandparent.  The holidays always make me miss him more because it was one of his favorite times of the year, and he passed on Christmas Eve.

Best moment of the week:
Hearing from a special friend (in real life) that she too is pregnant (after her first IVF) and should be due in August 2013.

What am I looking forward to:
Finding out The Sneak's gender so we can start calling him/her by their name (BSB or EJB).

The holidays were always difficult for me when we were trying to conceive.  This year I feel like a weight has been lifted.  Even though I'm exhausted most of the time, this year is already easier because we have the joy of this pregnancy.

"Baby's ears are positioned properly on the sides of the head, and the eyes are moving from the side of the head to the front of the face.  By now baby has the coordination, strength, and smarts to wiggle his or her fingers and toes and even suck a thumb.  He/She can also make breathing movements, suck, and swallow-all in preparation for life outside of my tummy."
from What to Expect When You're Expecting

People who do not know me are beginning to see my bump and ask when I'm due.  It's still so surreal.

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments and support on our journey.

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14