Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Infertility Inspirations

I know that God has a plan.  It may not make sense to me right now, but He has a plan.   Recently I have felt at peace with Him and tried to understand that He works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). 

 I cannot stand when people tell me that everything happens for a reason. I know this!  Sometimes it is just hard to accept when going through something like this.  Bad things happen to good people each day.  God never promised us that this life would be easy.  You can sit around and complain about it, or do something.  I've chosen to share my journey to give others hope.  I may have a baby in a year, 2 years, or longer than that.  I may have a baby through IUI, IVF, naturally?, or through adoption, but I will have a baby some day. Only He knows.

I believe in Jesus Christ and know that he died for me to have eternal life.  I believe that He knew I could one day triumph over Infertility and share my testimony with others.  He chose me for this life, and even though it has been hard, I have grown to trust in Him fully.  He is the potter, I am the clay. 


  1. Hi Courtney. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I absolutely agree with and love your outlook on suffering through infertility. I do find myself down some days, but I mostly want to tackle it head on.

    1. I think dealing with IF has it's good days and bad days. Unfortunately, it sometimes feel like we have more bad days than good. =( I know it will all be worth it in the end. =)

  2. I love this! I really need to keep reminding myself of the message in your post after my last year of struggles...Thanks for sharing!

    1. Trusting God is the only comfort I have. I know that He has a plan and it will all come together in His timing, not mine.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I got caught up a little, and I'm glad your surgery went well! Good luck with the rest of your journey!

    1. Thanks for dropping by! I am so glad to have both of my surgeries behind me!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I try to always remember that although other people's comments can be irritating and that we feel as though they don't have the right to tell me the things I'm already aware of I try to keep in perspective the ones that have my best interest at heart and realize that I barely have the words to explain my situation so I can't expect them to have the words either. Keeping you in my prayers as you continue your journey. And you are right. Only HE knows!

    1. You would be surprised at some of the things I hear on a daily basis. I've been very vocal about our struggle and get lots of unwanted advice, as well as some humorous advice. I've learned that it's easier to take advice from non-family. Some of our family hasn't been as supportive as others.

  5. We have a lot of similarities! My husband is also ten years older than me, and we've also been on this baby-making journey since 2010. Maybe 2012 will the year for both of us!

    1. I sure hope so, Stephanie! And my friend Randal was so excited to win one of your sheep! She doesn't typically read blogs, but is always watching over my shoulder when I'm reading at work. She saw the sheep and flipped out! It made her day that she won!!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments and support on our journey.

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14