Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 4 in the Hospital

I can't believe that I've been in the hospital for four days.

Last night was rough to say the least.  I've started getting itchy from all of the Lortab that I've been taking.  They gave me Benadryl yesterday because I was clawing myself to death.  Well...  let's just say that
Benadryl + Lortab + Courtney= disaster
My evening nurse came in around 9:30pm to give me my evening Lortab and Valium.  I was only asleep about two hours when I awoke terrified from a nightmare.  My nurse happened to be in the room and calmed me down and gave me a glass of water.  I went back to sleep and awoke again about an hour later.  This time I was freaking out.  I was panicked.  I made Brandon wake up and sit with me.  I couldn't explain it, but I was terrified.  He prayed with me and I was then able to go back to sleep.  That only lasted about another hour.  I woke up this time nauseated.  I hit the call button for the nurse and told her that I was having trouble sleeping.  At this point, I had taken 2 Lortab 7.5s and a Valium.  There is no reason why I should have been awake!

My evening nurse is so amazing.  She could tell that I was rattled and just needed to walk around.  She helped me get dressed, unhooked my IV, and walked with me to the nurse's station.  She and the other night nurses talked to me until I couldn't stand up anymore.  When we returned to my room, it was time for more pain meds.  My nausea and dizziness was getting worse so she gave me Phenergan too.  I slept soundly the rest of the night.  I was so tired.  Brandon and I have kept our usual schedule and been waking up around 6:30-7am the previous mornings.  We both slept until about 8am this morning.  The nurses came in to get my vitals, but I was delirious.  When Dr. Allemand came in, we actually woke up!

Here were my questions for him along with his responses:
  • I've had trouble emptying my bladder completely, but he assured me that was normal after OHSS
  • My nausea has returned.  He told me that the symptoms of OHSS would continue to come and go.  It doesn't just disappear.
He allowed the nurses to completely disconnect me from my IV today!  He said that my blood work looked good as well.  My potassium was lower today while my calcium was higher than yesterday.  He said that my body would regulate that on it's own.  Dr. Allemand's plan is for me to go home tomorrow.  I'm so excited!  =)  He said that it's going to be a few days before I'm feeling back completely normal.  They will remove my catheter tomorrow and he said I have more fluid build back up afterward, but nothing like how it was previously.

I am just so excited to be going home tomorrow. Cabin Fever has set in and I've not been able to get much rest today.  Every time I fell asleep, someone came in to check my vitals, or one of our phones rang!  Brandon and I have both been so blessed by everyone's kind messages, calls, and visits.  We appreciate it.

I'd like to make a blanket apology for any of the typos/grammatical errors in any of the past posts and the future ones due to my lack of rest and medicine intake.  Thank you for reading.  Thank you for supporting me through one of the lower parts of our journey. 


  1. You are seriously so strong to be able to handle all of this AND keep all of us updated. I'm so excited that y'all are going to get to go home tomorrow!!! I hate that you had such a horrible nightmare but thank goodness you have such wonderful nurses there to help you.

    You are in my thoughts every single day lately and I have been praying each night for y'all. I hope you continue to feel better.

  2. Wow Court, that is a full blown OHSS that you had. I'm glad you are getting better. xo

  3. t thanks so much for your detailed posts on this, I have learned so much. Glad you're getting out soon, can't imagine what kind of shape your emotions are in right now. Take care of yourself and rest rest rest, hopefully you wil be feeling a lot better soon!!

  4. So sorry to hear that you're still in hospital and all that you're going through... must be such a relief to be going home :) xoxo

  5. I hope you get to go home today. I'm really sorry you had to postpone your transfer. All the build up and prayes and preparation...but maybe it means your little embies weren't quite ready for you :) Praying for you darlin!

  6. Hey, just found you through Cristy's sock exchange. Hopefully you're on the mend at home now and no longer in the hospital. Severe OHSS is awful! I was wondering if you had found this blog: She is just now coming out the other side of a nearly 6-wk battle with severe OHSS, and I thought you might take some comfort in seeing that is does, truly, get better. Wishing you the best!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments and support on our journey.

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14