Friday, May 31, 2013

First Outing

When we got home from the hospital, there was a receipt that I had received a certified letter.  Today was the first day that I felt well enough to skip pain medicine and hop in the car with Miss Ellie.  The post office is only about two miles away and we made it there and back with no hicuups! Whew!

The certified letter was regarding our four remaining frozen embryos at ART.  In the past I've been so hesitant to even let myself think that I would want more children.  I can handle the aches and pains of being pregnant, but the heartache of infertility is a whole other story.  You don't forget that.  After the past ten days with daughter there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we will try again.  I don't know when, because there is so much preparation and money involved.  Right now I am just enjoying loving on my precious daughter.
Here is a video of our little girl with the hicuups! We're so in love with her, but we're kinda partial.

I serve an amazing, mighty, and powerful God.


  1. God is so good. She is beautiful

  2. I been watching almost everyday since you began this journey...she beautiful and more than worth it!

  3. I might be a "little partial" also because she is the biggest doll I have ever seen!

    I could keep watching that hiccup video over and over.


Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments and support on our journey.

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14