Thursday, March 29, 2012

Krueger Family Prayers

Please visit this page and pray for this family.  The Kruegers live in my Dad's neighborhood.  They've always been so kind to my Dad (and me when I still lived in the neighborhood).  Their daughter, Emma, is about to undergo surgery due to a Chiari Malformation.

I cannot imagine what this family is going through.  They are asking for specific prayers:

·         Peace for Emma (and us all)
·         Joy IN the middle of all of this
·         Provision
·         Steady Hands for Dr. Oakes & his team
·         The ability to get Dr. Defreese to be her anesthesiologist
·         The ability to get an order for blood & people to give in case there is a need
·         No SEVERE PERMANENT Complications from the surgery
·         No temporary complications from the surgery (hydrocephalus specifically)
·         Surgery would be successful
·         Recovery would be complete & speedy
·         As the years go by that Emma would not need an additional surgery for this newly discovered lifelong disorder.

The Krueger Family

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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14