Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FET cycle has started

As of today, I am CD 4!  AF arrived Sunday morning.  Again, it is strange to be so excited about such a thing, but it just brings us steps closer to becoming parents.  I called ART Monday morning and they are currently preparing my calendar/protocol and will mail it once they are finished.

I began taking Estrace (Estradiol) 2mg twice daily on Monday.  This is to prepare my uterine lining for the embryo transfer.  Until I get my protocol, I am unsure of when everything will happen.  As of now, I am looking to Sheri (my amazing SIL) for advice, support, and calendar planning.  She did a FET cycle last August and we are using her info as a template until I get my packet in the mail.
With her cycle, she went in for a(an)
  • ultrasound/lining check on CD12 ("ovulation day")
  • Embryo Transfer on CD18/6dpo
  • beta (pregnancy test) CD27/15dpo/9dpt
So far, this cycle is MUCH EASIER than anything related to our IVF cycle.  Taking BCP, Lupron, Follistim + Menopur, and Novarel was crazy!  Popping one tiny pill each morning and night is much simpler than any injection.  Today starts day three of taking the Estrogen, and I have yet to feel any side effects/symptoms (which is GREAT).  I will have to start  the progesterone-in-oil (PIO) injections closer to the time of transfer, but they are easy as long as someone else is administering it.

I will continue to update my FET page with all medicines, side effects, symptoms, and anything else related to the cycle (as I did with our IVF#1 attempt).

Also, I have been posting on Twitter lately (updating about fertility junk and zombies as usual).


  1. I was just thinking about you last night on my way home. I was going to send a text and ask how things were progressing. I am so excited for you!

  2. Yay for your FET cycle! Thinking good thoughts for you this cycle!

  3. Congrats on your FET cycle. Hoping the best for you guys!

  4. Good luck! Sounds like we're cycling together! Today is CD8 for me; my FET date is tentatively scheduled for September 27th. Prayers to both of us that this is THE cycle!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I appreciate your comments and support on our journey.

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14