Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beta #3 and Doctor's Appointment

Where should I start?

Yesterday was a long day.  Before I left work, I had noticed some dark brown spotting.  When I got home after praise band rehearsal, it was much more than spotting.  I had bright red blood.  On top of that, my back had started hurting while I was at church.  I was at home by myself because Brandon had traveled for work in Mississippi.  I immediately called Sheri (my SIL) and told her what was going on.  She suggested that I call ART's after hours number.  Once I explained everything, the nurse on call asked me to come in this morning.  Brandon drove home late last night so he could go to the appointment with me.

Once we arrived, they took us back for an ultrasound.  We were not expecting to see much since we're only 5w3(4?)d along (and our original appointment wasn't scheduled for two more days).  They were looking to see if anything was causing me to bleed.  Brandon and I immediately saw the sac that is holding the baby and felt relief.  They said that everything looked great.  We're still unsure of what caused the blood, but we feel much more at peace now than we did before.
Our baby is in there! 

Last night I prayed to God asking for peace, and the health of my sweet baby growing inside of me.  As we were driving to the doctor's office this morning, I was reminded of one of the quotes from the "Unglued" bible study we're completing.

I must focus on the good God is working out in me through this situation and leave the outcome with Him.

God has this.  There will be many more scares and bumps in the road, but I know that God is covering my sweet baby.  I had fully anticipated bad news this morning, but was reminded of the power of prayer.  God is always good, but we are especially thankful that our pregnancy continues to progress.
Here are our lab results from today:
Beta #3:  6537
(doubling time of 30 hours)
Estrogen:  159
Progesterone:  77

Our next appointment is now scheduled for Tuesday, October 2, unless we need to return sooner.


  1. You lab levels look quite well. Hopefully it's nothing more than the old dried blood of the baby settling in further.

  2. That's what happened with me, it's just the plug settling into place. But you did the right thing, I freaked out when it happened to me too. <3

    1. They told me to call immediately if I see any blood ever. They treat all of us as high risk pregnancies until we are released to an OB.

  3. So glad that your doctor was able to get you in so quickly and to run bloodwork so you knew that everything was fine with baby.

    1. =) Thank you for always being there for me, Toni.

  4. so does that confirm just one baby? could that have been the one that didn't implant leaving? I really don't know much as i was blessed to have my babies the old fashioned way, but I am glad that you and the baby are OK! God is good!

  5. I just read your story and I am so sorry for all you've been through. I also want to say congratulations on your pregnancy. I wish you all the best!

    ICLW #26

  6. What a crazy little roller coaster that was. I'm so glad you got to have an ultrasound straight away and saw your little bub in the making. Hopefully that's thd last lot of blood you see for the next 8 mths!!

  7. So glad that everything is still progressing well.

  8. I can only imagine how scared you are - even though everything is fine! :) You will have a BEAUTIFUL pregnancy and an even more beautiful baby!

  9. Oh boy! I am so sorry for the scare. That is awful you had to go through that. I am so incredibly happy for you that things look great at your u/s. Praying that this is the last scare you have in this pregnancy!!!

  10. So sorry for your scare! Love your quote from Bible study...going to post it on my wall to keep in mind.

  11. Hi from iclw, exciting beta numbers! God is in control!!!! Glad He has a hand over it all. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy

  12. How scary. Continually praying for you!

  13. I know that heart stopping fear too well. Yuck. Sorry you had to go through that! I hope that the bleeding has gone away, and that Tuesday gets here super quickly. :)

  14. So scary about the bleeding but so awesome you got to confirm there is a sac!!! I am so happy and relieved for you...hope the bleeding has subsided


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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14