Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Mommy told Grandad today that she has seen three positive pregnancy tests.  He was so happy.  I told Grandad that I was finding myself tired and cramping a lot during the day.  He told me to ask for an angel when I begin to feel that way.

So many people are praying for you.  Eleanna was asking when I would start testing and Mommy smiled.  I didn't even have to tell her anything more.  She just knew!  It's hard to keep secrets from all of those who have prayed for our little family to grow.

You are a blessing from God.  Remind me that when you break my favorite sunglasses, spill red juice on the carpet, keep me up all night, and come in late for curfew.  Remind Mommy how much she prayed for a child.

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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14