Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day Ten with the Kiddos

Berta got the boys to school this morning and brought Nesia to the house.  I had my appointment with Dr. Mac early this morning and am so tired!  Nesia was exhausted when she got to the house, but we still snacked and played in the floor.  Well, she plays in the floor and I direct from my chair.  I'm always afraid that I won't be able to get up without help!

She was very tired and didn't fight when I sat her in the pack-and-play to rest.  She just sat in there for a little bit and went to sleep.

Liz came over to work on table centerpieces for my upcoming baby shower.

When Sia woke up, she did not understand why she couldn't eat the jelly beans.  She was less than thrilled and was not happy with us!  She kept wanting Liz to hold her thinking that she's get some candy that way.  Once Liz left to get H from mother's day out, we made us a sandwich. 

I sat down in the floor with her and we had a picnic in the living room.  Funny story... I had stacked my sandwich on my plate and actually accused the baby of taking part of my lunch and  hiding it.  It was too funny.  I was on the phone with Sheri searching for my missing sandwich that was actually right in front of me.  It was one of those moments where you just had to be there!

Soon enough it was time to load up and go get the boys from school.  Sia fell asleep right before we got to the middle school.  She didn't get a good afternoon nap in before the boys were loud in the car and woke her up.  We got to church to help with dinner and I had lots of help watching her.

Once the boys were out of their classes we headed home to The Farm.  We put Nesia in her pack and play and she finally fell asleep.  We all set up talking while they alternated getting their showers.  They think I'm hilarious now.  I'll keep our topic of conversation private for the embarassment it would cause all of us!  It was nice to have a quiet and fun night once we were home. 

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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14