Monday, April 15, 2013

Day Eight with the Kiddos

Tim (boys' Dad) kept all three boys last night and took them to school this morning.  It was nice to be able to spend the night at home with Brandon since he's going to be gone until Thursday.  He woke up around 3 am to get showered and ready to leave the house to drive to the Birmingham Airport.  To say that I cried after he left is an understatement.  I sobbed!  I never like it when he travels, but this time just felt so different.  After crying for about 45 minutes while watching last night's episode of MadMen I finally calmed down.  Somewhere around 5 am I fell back asleep.  My phone woke me up around 7:30 reminding me about Silas's ball game tonight.

I came out of my room and Nesia was awake just laying there in the pack-n-play.  There's no greater feeling that having two tiny arms reach up to you first thing in the morning.  It did help since I was missing Brandon again.  We got a new diaper and a cup of milk and watched the news together.  It didn't take long until she was ready to pull out ALL of the toys and start playing.  Somewhere around 9:30 am she started getting fussy.  She fought taking a nap hard, but stayed snuggled in my lap for over 30 minutes.  I laid her down in the pack-n-play and she smiled at me before going to sleep.  My level of exhaustion is high right now, but seeing that smile made it all worth it!

We played and hung out around the house all day until it was lunch time.  We met Dad at Zaxby's to get out of the house.  She calls him "Pops" and it's so cute to hear say.  She fell asleep on the way home for her afternoon nap.

Tim picked up the boys after school since Silas had a baseball game.  They all went to dinner together and headed to the ball park.  He dropped the boys off at my house once the game finished.  We loaded up in the van to head back out to The Farm. 

Sounds like a boring Monday, right?  Silas and Paul were already inside and I was trying to get my bags and Nesia inside the house.  Luke mentioned that I needed to sign a piece of paper for him.  He also told me that I needed to drive him to school in the morning.  I was very confused.  He had gotten in trouble on the bus for the third time and was suspended from riding the school bus for two days.  Seriously?!?  I didn't even know what to say.  I was so upset because that meant I would have to wake Nesia up super early to get all of the boys out the door and in the van.  Luke had known all afternoon about not being able to ride the bus and didn't tell anyone!  CourtCourt was less than pleased.

Again, Joy and her family live out on a farm.  They're on well water.  To add to our Monday night excitement....  I had requested for Paul to take a shower first before bedtime so he could help me get Sia to sleep.  Well that didn't pan out and Silas and Luke took their showers first.  When Paul went to shower, the water wasn't working!  It was already late and he tried to go outside and see what was going on, but he couldn't tell.  Poor guy had to go to bed without a shower. 

Monday was not a good day at all.  I missed Brandon terribly and it just seemed like everything was going wrong.

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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14